Netter’s Atlas of Physiology - John T. Hansen, PhD and Bruce M. Koeppen, MD, PhD

Netter’s Atlas of Physiology – John T. Hansen, PhD and Bruce M. Koeppen, MD, PhD
Formato: PDF
Tamaño: 15.6 MB
Idioma: Ingles
1: Cell Physiology
* Page 2: Eukaryotic Cell Plasma Membrane Structure
* Page 3: Membrane Transport
* Page 4: Membrane Transport
* Page 5: Membrane Transport
* Page 6: Resting Membrane Potential
* Page 7: Action Potential
* Page 8: Conduction Velocity
* Page 9: Signal Transduction Pathways
2: Neurophysiology
* Page 12: Organization of the Brain: Cerebrum
* Page 13: Organization of the Brain: Cell Types
* Page 14: Blood-Brain Barrier
* Page 15: Morphology of Synapses
* Page 16: Structure of the Neuromuscular Junction
* Page 17: Visceral Efferent Endings
* Page 18: Synaptic Inhibitory Mechanisms
* Page 19: Chemical Synaptic Transmission
* Page 20: Temporal and Spatial Summation
* Page 21: Brain Ventricles and CSF Composition
* Page 22: Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid
* Page 23: Spinal Cord and Ventral Rami In Situ
* Page 24: Spinal Membranes and Nerve Roots
* Page 25: Peripheral Nervous System
* Page 26: Autonomic Nervous System: Schema
* Page 27: Cholinergic and Adrenergic Synapses: Schema
* Page 28: Schematic Reconstruction of the Hypothalamus
* Page 29: Hippocampus and Fornix
* Page 30: Cerebral Cortex: Localization of Function and Association Pathways
* Page 31: Corticospinal Tracts
* Page 32: Cerebellar Afferent Pathways
* Page 33: Cerebellar Efferent Pathways
* Page 35: Pacinian Corpuscle
* Page 36: Proprioception: Spinal Effector Mechanism
* Page 37: Muscle and Joint Receptors
* Page 38: Proprioceptive Reflex Control of Muscle Tension
* Page 39: Spinal Reflex Pathways
* Page 40: Somesthetic System of the Body
* Page 41: Somesthetic System of the Head
* Page 42: Dermatomes
* Page 43: Visual Receptors
* Page 44: Retinogeniculostriate Visual Pathway
* Page 45: Cochlear Receptors
* Page 46: Auditory Pathways
* Page 47: Vestibular Receptors
* Page 48: Vestibulospinal Tracts
* Page 49: Taste Receptors
* Page 50: Taste Pathways
* Page 51: Olfactory Receptors
* Page 52: Olfactory Pathway
3: Muscle Physiology
* Page 54: Organization of Skeletal Muscle
* Page 55: Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
* Page 56: Excitation-Contraction Coupling
* Page 57: Muscle Contraction and Relaxation
* Page 58: Biochemical Mechanics of Muscle Contraction
* Page 59: Grading of Muscle Tension and Length-Tension Relationship
* Page 60: Schema of Structure of Cardiac Muscle
* Page 61: Smooth Muscle Structure
* Page 62: Excitation-Contraction Coupling of Smooth Muscle
4: Cardiovascular Physiology
* Page 66: Cardiovascular System Overview
* Page 67: Body Fluid Compartments
* Page 68: Structure of Heart
* Page 69: Anatomy of the Specialized Conduction System
* Page 70: Electrical Activity of the Heart
* Page 71: Cardiac Depolarization and Repolarization Part 1
* Page 72: Cardiac Depolarization and Repolarization Part 2
* Page 73: Cardiac Depolarization and Repolarization Part 3
* Page 74: Cardiac Cycle
* Page 75: Pressure-Volume Loop
* Page 76: Cardiac and Vascular Function Curves
* Page 77: Coronary Circulation
* Page 78: Hemodynamics
* Page 79: Arterial Pressure
* Page 80: Control of Arteriolar Tone
* Page 81: Microcirculation
* Page 82: Circulation to Special Regions
* Page 83: Monitoring of Blood Pressure
* Page 84: Short-Term Response to Changes in Blood Pressure
* Page 85: Long-Term Response to Changes in Blood Volume and Pressure
* Page 86: Circulatory Response to Exercise
* Page 87: Prenatal and Postnatal Circulation
5: Respiratory Physiology
* Page 90: Medial Surface of the Lungs
* Page 91: Structure of the Trachea and Major Bronchi
* Page 92: Intrapulmonary Airways
* Page 93: Ultrastructure of Tracheal, Bronchial, and Bronchiolar Epithelium
* Page 94: Respiratory Muscles
* Page 95: Spirometry
* Page 96: Forces During Quiet Breathing
* Page 97: Measurement of Elastic Properties of Lung
* Page 98: Elastic Properties of Respiratory System: Lung and Chest Wall
* Page 99: Surface Forces in the Lung
* Page 100: Airway Flow
* Page 101: Flow-Volume Relationships
* Page 102: Intrapulmonary Blood Circulation
* Page 103: Ultrastructure of Pulmonary Alveoli and Capillaries
* Page 104: Pulmonary Circulation
* Page 105: Ventilation/Perfusion (Va/Qc) Relationships
* Page 106: Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
* Page 107: Surfactant Effects
* Page 108: O2 and CO2 Exchange
* Page 109: O2 and CO2 Exchange and Transport
* Page 110: O2/CO2 Exchange
* Page 111: Control of Respiration
* Page 112: Acid-Base Balance
* Page 113: Respiratory Response to Exercise
* Page 114: Obstructive Disease: Emphysema
* Page 115: Obstructive Lung Disease
* Page 116: Restrictive Pulmonary Disease
* Page 117: Tests of Pulmonary Function
* Page 118: Tests of Pulmonary Function
6: Renal Physiology
* Page 120: Anatomy of the Kidney
* Page 121: Anatomy of the Nephron
* Page 122: Anatomy of the Glomerulus
* Page 123: Glomerular Filtration
* Page 124: Renal Clearance
* Page 125: Renal Handling of Glucose
* Page 126: Renal Handling of Para-Amino Hippurate (PAH)
* Page 127: Renal Na+ Reabsorption
* Page 128: ADH Secretion and Action
* Page 129: Concentration of the Urine
* Page 130: Dilution of the Urine
* Page 131: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
* Page 132: Response to Volume Expansion
* Page 133: Response to Volume Contraction
* Page 134: Potassium Excretion
* Page 135: Calcium and Phosphate Excretion
* Page 136: HCO3- Reabsorption
* Page 137: Renal Production of New HCO3-
7: Gastrointestinal Physiology
* Page 140: Esophagus
* Page 141: Gastroesophageal Junction
* Page 142: Lower Esophageal Sphincter
* Page 143: Enteric Nervous System
* Page 144: Autonomic Innervation
* Page 146: Integration of Autonomic and Enteric Nervous Systems
* Page 147: Control of Peristalsis
* Page 148: Major GI Hormones
* Page 149: Structure of the Stomach
* Page 150: Appetite and Hunger
* Page 151: Gastric Motility
* Page 152: Gastric Digestive Function
* Page 153: Vagal Control of Gastric Secretion
* Page 154: Regulation of Parietal Cell Function
* Page 155: Mucosal Defense Mechanisms
* Page 156: Small Intestine Structure
* Page 157: Small Intestine Microscopic Structure
* Page 158: Epithelium of the Small Intestine
* Page 159: Motility of the Small Intestine
* Page 160: Large Intestine Structure
* Page 161: Structure of the Rectum and Anal Canal
* Page 162: Colonic Motility
* Page 163: Defecation
* Page 164: Salivary Gland Structure
* Page 165: Salivary Gland Secretion
* Page 166: Pancreas Structure
* Page 167: Pancreas Secretion
* Page 168: Liver Structure
* Page 169: Liver Ultrastructure
* Page 170: Intrahepatic Biliary System
* Page 171: Overview of Liver Function
* Page 172: Bilirubin Production and Excretion
* Page 173: Gallbladder Structure and Function
* Page 174: GI Tract Fluid and Electrolyte Transport
* Page 175: Digestion of Protein
* Page 176: Digestion of Carbohydrates
* Page 177: Digestion of Fat
* Page 178: Absorption of Essential Vitamins and Elements

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