Gerard Doherty - Surgical Diagnosis & Treatment

Gerard Doherty - Surgical Diagnosis & Treatment
Formato: PDF
Tamaño: 23.8 MB
Idioma: Ingles
Gerard Doherty - Surgical Diagnosis & Treatment
  • Chapter 1 Approach to the Surgical Patient
  • Chapter 2 Training, Communication, Professionalism, and Systems-based Practice
  • Chapter 3 Preoperative Care
  • Chapter 4 Postoperative Care
  • Chapter 5 Postoperative Complications
  • Chapter 6 Wound Healing
  • Chapter 7 Power Sources in Surgery
  • Chapter 8 Inflammation, Infection, & Antimicrobial Therapy
  • Chapter 9 Fluid & Electrolyte Management
  • Chapter 10 Surgical Metabolism & Nutrition
  • Chapter 11 Anesthesia
  • Chapter 12 Shock & Acute Pulmonary Failure in Surgical Patients
  • Chapter 13 Management of the Injured Patient
  • Chapter 14 Burns & Other Thermal Injuries
  • Chapter 15 Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery
  • Chapter 16 Thyroid & Parathyroid
  • Chapter 17 Breast Disorders
  • Chapter 18 Thoracic Wall, Pleura, Mediastinum, & Lung
  • Chapter 19A The Heart: I. Surgical Treatment of Acquired Cardiac Disease
  • Chapter 19B The Heart: II. Congenital Heart Disease
  • Chapter 20 Esophagus & Diaphragm
  • Chapter 21 The Acute Abdomen
  • Chapter 22 Peritoneal Cavity
  • Chapter 23 Stomach & Duodenum
  • Chapter 24 Liver & Portal Venous System
  • Chapter 25 Biliary Tract
  • Chapter 26 Pancreas
  • Chapter 27 Spleen
  • Chapter 28 Appendix
  • Chapter 29 Small Intestine
  • Chapter 30 Large Intestine
  • Chapter 31 Anorectum
  • Chapter 32 Hernias & Other Lesions of the Abdominal Wall
  • Chapter 33 Adrenals
  • Chapter 34 Arteries
  • Chapter 35 Veins & Lymphatics
  • Chapter 36 Neurosurgery
  • Chapter 37 The Eye & Ocular Adnexa
  • Chapter 38 Urology
  • Chapter 39 Gynecology
  • Chapter 40 Orthopedic Surgery
  • Chapter 41 Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
  • Chapter 42 Hand Surgery
  • Chapter 43 Pediatric Surgery
  • Chapter 44 Oncology
  • Chapter 45 Organ Transplantation

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