Harold Ellis - Clinical Anatomy Applied anatomy for students and junior doctors

Harold Ellis - Clinical Anatomy Applied anatomy for students and junior doctors
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Harold Ellis - Clinical Anatomy Applied anatomy for students and junior doctors
Preface, xiii
Acknowledgements, xiv
Part 1: The Thorax Surface anatomy and surface markings, 3
Surface markings of the more important thoracic contents, 3
The thoracic cage, 7
The thoracic vertebrae, 7
The ribs, 7
The costal cartilages, 10
The sternum, 11
The intercostal spaces, 11
The diaphragm, 14
The pleurae, 18
The lower respiratory tract, 19
The trachea, 19
The bronchi, 23
The lungs, 23
The mediastinum, 28
The pericardium, 28
The heart, 29
The superior mediastinum, 42
The oesophagus, 42
The thoracic duct, 45
The thoracic sympathetic trunk, 47
On the examination of a chest radiograph, 49
Radiographic appearance of the heart, 50
Part 2: The Abdomen and Pelvis
Surface anatomy and surface markings, 55
Vertebral levels, 55
Surface markings, 55
The fasciae and muscles of the abdominal wall, 58
Fasciae of the abdominal wall, 58
The muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, 58
The anatomy of abdominal incisions, 61
The inguinal canal, 63
Peritoneal cavity, 65
Intraperitoneal fossae, 68
The subphrenic spaces, 69
The gastrointestinal tract, 70
The stomach, 70
The duodenum, 75
Small intestine, 77
Large intestine, 78
The appendix, 79
The rectum, 81
Arterial supply of the intestine, 86
The portal system of veins, 87
Lymph drainage of the intestine, 88
The structure of the alimentary canal, 88
The development of the intestine and its congenital abnormalities, 90
The gastrointestinal adnexae: liver, gall-bladder and its
ducts, pancreas and spleen, 93
The liver, 93
The biliary system, 98
The gall-bladder, 99
The pancreas, 101
The spleen, 104
The urinary tract, 105
The kidneys, 105
The ureter, 109
The embryology and congenital abnormalities of the kidney and
ureter, 110
The bladder, 112
The urethra, 115
The male genital organs, 116
The prostate, 116
The scrotum, 119
Testis and epididymis, 119
Vas deferens (ductus deferens), 123
The seminal vesicles, 124
The bony and ligamentous pelvis, 124
The os innominatum, 124
The sacrum, 125
The coccyx, 126
The functions of the pelvis, 126
vi Contents
Joints and ligamentous connections of the pelvis, 127
Differences between the male and female pelvis, 128
Obstetrical pelvic measurements, 128
Variations of the pelvic shape, 130
The muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum, 132
The anterior (urogenital) perineum, 133
The posterior (anal) perineum, 134
The female genital organs, 136
The vulva, 136
The vagina, 137
The uterus, 139
The Fallopian tubes, 144
The ovary, 145
The endopelvic fascia and the pelvic ligaments, 146
Vaginal examination, 147
Embryology of the Fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina, 148
The posterior abdominal wall, 149
The suprarenal glands, 151
Abdominal aorta, 151
Inferior vena cava, 153
Lumbar sympathetic chain, 153
Part 3: The Upper Limb
The female breast, 159
Structure, 159
Blood supply, 159
Lymphatic drainage, 159
Development, 161
Surface anatomy and surface markings of the
upper limb, 162
Bones and joints, 163
Muscles and tendons, 164
Vessels, 166
Nerves, 167
The bones and joints of the upper limb, 168
The scapula, 168
The clavicle, 168
The humerus, 169
The radius and ulna, 171
The bones of the hand, 174
The shoulder, 176
The elbow joints, 180
Contents vii
The wrist joint, 183
The joints of the hand, 184
The arteries of the upper limb, 186
The axillary artery, 186
The brachial artery, 187
The radial artery, 187
The ulnar artery, 188
The brachial plexus, 189
The segmental cutaneous supply of the upper limb, 191
The course and distribution of the principal nerves of the
upper limb, 191
The axillary nerve, 191
The radial nerve, 192
Branches, 194
The musculocutaneous nerve, 194
The ulnar nerve, 194
The median nerve, 195
The anatomy of upper limb deformities, 197
The spaces of the hand, 200
The superficial pulp space of the fingers, 200
The ulnar and radial bursae and the synovial tendon sheaths of the
fingers, 201
Part 4: The Lower Limb
The anatomy and surface markings of the lower limb, 207
Bones and joints, 207
Bursae of the lower limb, 207
Mensuration in the lower limb, 208
Muscles and tendons, 211
Vessels, 211
Nerves, 214
The bones and joints of the lower limb, 216
The os innominatum, 216
The femur, 216
The patella, 220
The tibia, 223
The fibula, 224
Anote on growing ends and nutrient foramina in the long bones, 225
The bones of the foot, 225
The hip, 226
viii Contents
Contents ix
The knee joint, 229
The tibiofibular joints, 233
The ankle, 233
The joints of the foot, 234
The arches of the foot, 235
The anatomy of walking, 237
Three important zones of the lower limb—the femoral
triangle, adductor canal and popliteal fossa, 237
The femoral triangle, 237
The fascia lata, 238
The femoral sheath and femoral canal, 238
Femoral hernia, 239
The lymph nodes of the groin and the lymphatic drainage of the lower
limb, 241
The adductor canal (of Hunter) or subsartorial canal, 242
The popliteal fossa, 242
The arteries of the lower limb, 244
Femoral artery, 244
Popliteal artery, 246
Posterior tibial artery, 246
Anterior tibial artery, 246
The veins of the lower limb, 247
Clinical features, 249
The course and distribution of the principal nerves of the
lower limb, 249
The lumbar plexus, 250
The sacral plexus, 251
The sciatic nerve, 253
The tibial nerve, 255
The common peroneal (fibular) nerve, 255
Segmental cutaneous supply of the lower limb, 256
Part 5: The Head and Neck
The surface anatomy of the neck, 261
The fascial compartments of the neck, 262
The thyroid gland, 264
The parathyroid glands, 267
The palate, 270
The development of the face, lips and palate with special reference to
their congenital deformities, 270
The tongue and floor of the mouth, 272
The tongue, 272
The floor of the mouth, 276
The pharynx, 277
The nasopharynx, 277
The oropharynx, 278
The palatine tonsils, 279
The laryngopharynx, 280
The mechanism of deglutition, 282
The larynx, 284
Blood supply, 287
Lymph drainage, 287
Nerve supply, 288
The salivary glands, 289
The parotid gland, 289
The submandibular gland, 292
The sublingual gland, 293
The major arteries of the head and neck, 294
The common carotid arteries, 294
The external carotid artery, 294
The internal carotid artery, 296
The subclavian arteries, 298
The veins of the head and neck, 301
The cerebral venous system, 301
The venous sinuses of the dura, 301
The internal jugular vein, 303
The subclavian vein, 305
The lymph nodes of the neck, 306
The cervical sympathetic trunk, 308
The branchial system and its derivatives, 310
Branchial cyst and fistula, 310
The surface anatomy and surface markings of the head, 311
The scalp, 312
The skull, 314
Development, 316
x Contents
Contents xi
The accessory nasal sinuses, 318
The frontal sinuses, 318
The maxillary sinus (antrum of Highmore), 319
The ethmoid sinuses, 320
The sphenoid sinuses, 321
The mandible, 321
The temporomandibular joint, 322
The teeth, 323
The vertebral column, 324
The cervical vertebrae, 325
The thoracic vertebrae, 327
The lumbar vertebrae, 327
The sacrum, 327
The coccyx, 327
The intervertebral joints, 328
Part 6: The Central Nervous System
The spinal cord, 333
Age differences, 333
Structure, 333
Descending tracts, 334
Ascending tracts, 336
◊◊The membranes of the cord (the meninges), 337
The brain, 339
The medulla, 339
The pons, 342
The cerebellum, 342
The midbrain, 344
The diencephalon, 346
The hypothalamus, 346
The pituitary gland (hypophysis cerebri), 347
The thalamus, 349
The cerebral hemispheres, 349
The cerebral cortex, 349
The insula, 352
The connections of the cerebral cortex, 352
The basal ganglia, 353
The long ascending and descending pathways, 354
The membranes of the brain (the meninges), 360
The ventricular system and the cerebrospinal fluid circulation, 361
The cranial nerves, 364
The olfactory nerve (I), 364
The optic nerve (II) and the visual pathway, 365
The oculomotor nerve (III), 366
The trochlear nerve (IV), 368
The trigeminal nerves (V), 369
The abducent nerve (VI), 374
The facial nerve (VII), 375
The auditory (vestibulocochlear) nerve (VIII), 377
The glossopharyngeal nerve (IX), 379
The vagus nerve (X), 379
The accessory nerve (XI), 381
The hypoglossal nerve (XII), 381
The special senses, 383
The nose, 383
The ear, 384
The eye and associated structures, 388
The autonomic nervous system, 393
Visceral afferents, 396
The sympathetic system, 396
The sympathetic trunk, 396
The parasympathetic system, 399
Glossary of eponyms, 403
Index, 409

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